Ellesmere Port Speedway |
The Stadium, Thornton Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire operated between
1971-1985 |
rider Kevin Lyth's Memories
Ellesmere Comeback John Jackson
Ellesmere v Newcastle and
Joe Owen Ellesmere's 1972 Team
Keith Dwyer's Photos
Ellesmere Badges |
Courtesy of Steve Cummins |
Bring The Sport Back To Ellesmere Port! |
Calvert Foden says:
Just a quick note, a return of the
speedway in Ellesmere Port is a must as there's nothing in this
town, what a place to bring speedway back would be Vauxhalls
Football ground as the clubs folded, it has all the basic
facilities just needs a track and team. Just a thought if
anybody shares the same opinion.
John Skinner says: It takes more than that Calvert. Someone
with lots of dosh to spend on speedway is needed before your
dreams can become reality! |
1972 Team |
Steve Wilkes says: Ellesmere Port 1972 Team picture - Standing Left
to right : Ken Vale, Graham Drury, Geoff Pusey, Paul Callaghan, Paul Tyrer,
Colin Goad, Robbie Gardner (Kneeling) |
Line Up |
Courtesy of Steve Wilkes |
Steve Wilkes says: 1972 Team: Back (Left to right) –
Geoff Pusey, Chris Blythe, Colin Goad, Derek Tattersall (Team
Manager), Graham Drury & Cyril Francis. Kneeling (Left
to right) – Paul Callaghan & Robbie Gardner. On Bike – Mascot
& Paul Tyrer. Team picture taken at Ellesmere Port
1973 Team |
Courtesy of Steve Wilkes |
Steve Wilkes says: 1973TeamBack
(Left to right) – Robbie Gardner, Phil Woodcock, Chris Blythe,
Derek Tattersall (Team Manager), Colin Goad, Paul Callaghan &
Ian Gills. On Bike – Graham Drury. Team picture taken at
Ellesmere Port Badges |
1972 |
1973 |
Year Unknown |
1985 |
Year Unknown |
Year Unknown |
Kevin Lyth's Photographs |
John says: Left to right. Louis Carr John Jackson
Steve Finch Phil Alderman. Carr, Jacko and Finchy all went
around my circuit (Brough Park Newcastle), like it was their home
track. I always enjoyed matches between Ellesmere and the
Diamonds. Hopefully the Gunners will come back and I will be
able to pay their new track a visit. What are we waiting for
then? Oh yeah a millionaire to come along! Good luck EP |
Lyth's Memories |
Kevin Lyth says: Hi john here's a couple of things that might be
of use to you, one of them refers to me and the other is a few
legends of Crewe Speedway. I raced at Crewe in the second half's
and it was the most amazing track I've ever ridden, I though Belle
Vue was the epitome, but Crewe was just amazing! |
John says: I have put Kevin's Crewe
photos on the Crewe page the rest of his memories relate to him at
Ellesmere |
Kevin Lyth says: My wife had been
asking me about photos from when I rode and I don't have any. At
that time I was too interested in racing, but my mechanic Pete
Noblett took photos of me and what's worse, he has become a bit of
a recluse! I've met him a few times in Ellesmere Port and even
been to his house, but he just tells me he's too busy to let me
in! He has told me that he has photos dating from 1972 the first
year of my brief riding career.
Pete must have some amazing photos/records, but I think he will
die alone as he has always been, which is very sad because he
won't open up to anyone and all those memories will probably be
skipped by some council worker. |
My Second Half Rides
A friend of mine said her mum has a
load of old speedway programmes. I could have them if I called
around, which I did. Then when I was looking through them, I
found my name, firstly in the “Port Scurry” heat and then one with
my progression to the Gunners Snowball or rider of the night final
as it became.
It is a pity that someone never
filled in the second half of that programme as I can't remember
how I did in the final! So I've attached my own little bit of
personal history and my wife feels a little better that she can
see my name in print, from all those years ago, but she would
still love a photo, as I would. |
Scans courtesy of Kevin Lyth. A pity the
programmes had not been filled in |
I'm on the other side of the camera now
and my name is linked to many photos on google images, but mostly
weather shots which I get published on Granada Reports. |
Sorry to waffle on, time never meant much to me in those days,
except those explosive sixty or so seconds and now time seems so
precious and it's racing faster, the older I get. |
Ian Robertson’s Death
Sad to see my old friend the late Ian Robertson in the programme.
He lived in the Port and I was told that he shot himself with a
shotgun after his wife had an affair, similarities with Kenny
Carter! Although I knew them both, Ian was never as hot headed as
Kenny. |
Roxburgh says:
Hi John.
I have just
come across this website and it has really brought back some
happy and sad memories for me.
My late father used
to take me and my brother to the gunners throughout the
seventies and eighties and my brother and I regularly
reminisce about those days and the brilliance of JJ, Stevie
Finch and Louis Carr etc.
One point
that I would like to comment on was regarding the sad death of
former Gunners rider, Ian Robertson. I note that on your site
it was stated that Ian shot himself in a similar fashion to
Kenny Carter.
I lived
next door to Ian in Great Sutton and was at home on the
day when he sadly took his own life at home and just wanted to
point out that he never shot himself. (He was found hanged and
tragically couldn't be revived).
Ian was truly a
great guy and I have very fond memories of him being out in
his driveway with his bikes.
Love this website
and wish Gunners could be revived.}
Stuart Shirley’s Death
Kevin says: I was on the centre green
the day Kenny tangled with Stuart Shirley and through lack of
experience and all out guts, he collided into Stuart.
Tommy Livins and I ran out of
the way of Stuart’s bike and his body as he slid past us and hit
the track roller. I remember everything in every way, maybe
because I was a rider, but I could never understand why I was
never asked as a witness to Stuart’s death, especially when the
papers said that he broke his neck on Kenny Carter’s handlebars
and was dead before he hit the floor! I saw Stuart collide with
the fence after the tangle and then he tried to get his left foot
down and his front wheel ran along the inside Kerbstone and it was
at that point his front wheel hit a grid and that flipped him onto
his face, he still had his hands on the handlebars as he went
over, at that point it was obvious he was knocked out or even
then, that was when he broke his neck, no one will ever know.
The irony of that day is that Stuart’s
bike just would not start!
He tried everything and most of
us in the pits tried to help him, myself included. He changed his
magic box twice, then the plugs and put a new HT lead on and
finally it started, only for him to go out with about half an hour
of that training school left. In hindsight, it was quite
disturbing thinking that everything seemed to be trying to stop
him! Every
time I pass the track, I always think of that ill fated day, such
a sad day for all of us. |
Regards Kevin Lyth
John says: My thanks to Kevin for
sharing his memories. Painful memories of the deaths of
three riders Ian, Stuart and Kenny. My thoughts are
with them. |
Ellesmere Port v Coatbridge |
29th July 1975 |
Courtesy of Wattie Dunlop |
Courtesy of Wattie Dunlop |
Rob Ashton |
Steve Finch |
John Jackson (1) Steve Finch (3) |
I remember John and Steve hitting 5-1s
against the Diamonds super riders both of them |
Ellesmere Port
2012 |
A sad sight! Kevin's picture of
the track, taken in 2012 |
Barney Kennett Phil Alderman & John
Jackson |
Jim McMillan & Billy Burton |
Steve Finch |
Steve Finch Mitch Shirra ? not sure
of third |
Steve Wilkes says: This is not Mitch
Shirra ! It is Steve Finch leading Andy Hines and Andy Fisher of
Peterborough. |
Martin Dixon & Billy Burton |
Steve Wilkes says: This is Martin Dixon of Middlesbrough
leading Billy Burton
Louis Carr |
Louis had a great riding style |
Arthur Browning Peter Carr & John Jackson |
Arthur Browning, Peter Carr, John
Jackson. Speedway is dominated by riders who like horse
racing Jockeys
are quite small. Arthur over 6ft was the tallest rider that I
remember from that era. Newcastle Gosforth had Harry Huntly in 1930 who was 6ft 8inches, Harry was probably the
tallest ever and Arthur probably was the second tallest. |
Port Badge |
Scan from Russell Earl |
Ellesmere Comeback |
Colin Hill says: John Just to let you know, that there is currently a move in Ellesmere
Port to restart the Speedway. Details and an online petition are on
Cheshire West and Chester councils website. More details are on the
Ellesmere Port Pioneer website as well. Regards Colin Hill |
John says:
Good luck Ellesmere, the Gunners may fire again |
Keith Dwyer says: As Colin Hill has
already informed you about the petition to revive the
Ellesmere Port Gunners. The online signatures are now soaring
to over 200 on there. I am in contact with the local Paper, The
Pioneer and for the past 2 weeks they have run a story on it.
I have also been in contact with the local council regarding a
lot of the fans have not got internet access and now they have
given me permission to print a load of paper petitions and organise a meeting as well for them to sign. I have also
posted this on the Speedway Forum Site so anyone out there
that would like to see the Gunners reformed go onto the
Cheshire west website and sign the petition. good luck with
the defunct site john
Keith Dwyer
Colin Hill
& Keith Dwyer's Pictures |
In the following section
of this website, the black n white images are
from Colin Hill and the coloured images are Keith Dwyers |
John Jackson |
A truly great rider John Jackson at
Thornton Road |
John Jackson At Rye House In
1978 |
John says: I did a double take first time
I saw the above picture. John Jackson looking like Mark
Knopfler of Dire Straits |
John Jackson At Teesside
1978 |
John Jackson 1979
At Thornton Rd |
Another of
John Jackson at Thornton Rd. 1979 |
Jacko' Thornton Road Pits |
Alan P says: From the left 1st not too sure? Then its John Williams/
Louis Carr/ Steve Finch/ Phil Collins/ and John Jackson on the bike.
I have a scrap book and there are no other photos of this person 1st on
the left so not certain who it is, two names come up Peter Williams and
John Butt, but no photos of them either. regards Alan |
Anthony Atkins says: The rider
you thought was Pete Williams is in fact a lad called Paul Sheard |
Ellesmere v Coatbridge
1975 |
Graham Drury |
Paul Tyrer & Robbie Gardner |
Steve Wilkes says: Rider on the left is Paul Tyrer not sure who is on the right
Steve Baker says: Ellesmere Port
page is Robbie Gardner. |
Terry Shearer Leading Graham Drury |
says: Brummie rider I believe to be
Terry Shearer
Steve Wilkes says:
It is Terry Shearer leading Graham Drury |
Colin Goad |
Cyril Francis Left & Graham Drury
Paul Tyrer & Ian Gills
Ian Gills in a good mood! |
Paul Gallaghan
Chris Blythe |
Colin Goad & Robbie Gardner |
John says: I can remember Robbie
well when he became a member of my team Newcastle Diamonds he was
a high-scoring 2nd string in a powerful Newcastle side |
Ellesmere Team Photo |
Robbie Gardner, Phil Woodcock, Chris
Blythe, Graham Drury (on machine), Colin Goad, Paul Callaghan, Ian
Gills. |
Ellesmere Port
1976 |
Courtesy of Duncan Meredith |
If you can name the team members please
email me
John |
Steve Wilkes says: 1976 Team Picture: Standing -
Left to Right: Ernie Park (Promoter), Louis Carr, Paul
Clements, Chris Turner, Phil Collins, Gerald Smitherman, Steve
Finch, Joe Shaw (Promoter)
Kneeling – Left to Right: Robbie Gardner, Mascot, Duncan
Meredith. On Bike – John Jackson. Picture taken at Thornton
Road – I know it well !
Ellesmere Port
1977 |
Courtesy of Duncan Meredith |
If you can name the team members please
email me
John |
Steve Wilkes says: 1977 Team Picture: Standing – Left to
Right: Joe Shaw (Promoter), Louis Carr, Paul Clements, Phil
Collins, John Williams, Duncan Meredith, Ernie Park
(Promoter). Kneeling – Left to Right: Steve Finch &
Robbie Gardner On Bike – John Jackson. Picture taken in the
Ellesmere Port pits.
Duncan Meredith |
Courtesy of Duncan Meredith |
My thanks to Duncan for the photos and to
Ellesmere Port for the entertainment when the Gunners visited my
track Newcastle. |
Brothers Peter & Louis Carr |
Courtesy of Duncan Meredith |
Steve Finch |
Courtesy of Duncan Meredith |
Louis Carr |
Courtesy of Keith Dwyer |
More Of Keith Dwyer's Photos |
Pete Ellams giving John Jackson a lift back to the pits |
Steve Finch
1978 |
Steve Finch 1979 |
Memories |
Colin Hill
says: Dear John, I have recently found your website which includes
memories of Ellesmere Port Speedway " The Gunners". I went to many of the home and away matches back in the mid to late 70's
with my late father.
Some of my memories include:
- As the ground was shared with the Town football team, the track went
around the outside of the pitch area, making it one of the longest in
the country.
- The "Gunners" always practiced on a Saturday morning and entry was
free to watch them. Many of the fans would then go over to watch Belle
Vue later in the day as many of their younger riders learnt their trade
at the Port, so on race nights it was quite common to see the Collins
family at the Port.
- Tragically a rider died from his injuries at one of the practice
sessions when he parted company with his machine, slid onto the grass
and struck a heavy pitch roller which had been left there. I can't
remember the lads name or exactly when it was though.
- The team bibs had earlier been yellow writing on a red background (
a reverse of the last ones).
- The local pub was named after the team.
Thanks again for the memories.
Colin Hill
Keith Dwyer says:
John with regards to the young rider that was tragically killed at the
Ellesmere Port training school his name was Stuart Shirley. A great young
up and coming rider. I was actually in the pits on that day and was one of
the lads that helped carry his bike off the track. hope this helps and
keep up the good work on the site. Regards Keith |
Paul Embley's
Photographs x 4 |
Paul Embley says: I rode at Ellesmere from 1978 till 1982, then had a
spell at Wolverhampton and did 3 meetings for BelleVue. Had to retire due
to an illness in my muscles. |
1980 Team |
Courtesy of Steve Wilkes |
Steve Wilkes says: 1980 Team. Left to right – John
Jackson, Pete Ellams, Steve Finch, Louis Carr, Peter Carr,
Paul Embley & John Williams. Team picture taken at Rye House.
1982 Team |
Courtesy of Steve Wilkes |
Steve Wilkes says: 1982 Team: Back (Left to right) - Steve
Finch, Mike Lohmann (Team Manager), Phil Alderman, Rob
Maxfield, John Jackson, Richard Park (Promoter).
Kneeling (Left to right) – Billy Burton & Glenn Parrott. On
Bike – Eric Monaghan. Team Picture taken at Ellesmere Port.
Ellesmere Port v Newcastle |
There were many great entertaining
meetings between the two sides and my favourite of the era Joe
Owen, rode for both sides. |
John Jackson leads the diamonds Nigel
Crabtree & Derek Richardson. Jacko was second only
to Joe Owen in the league in my opinion. |
Keith Bloxsome, Paul Embley, Gary Ainsley & Peter Carr |
John Williams Derek Richardson Louis Carr &
David Bargh |
Away Action At Brough Park Newcastle |
Courtesy of Steve Wilkes |
Steve Wilkes says: A great photograph of
Newcastle Diamond Tom Owen battling with John Jackson at Brough
Park in 1978. John Williams is the Gunner just behind John
Jackson. |
Joe Owen |
John says: I have placed this picture of Joe below the Ellesmere v
Newcastle section. That is because he was the darling of both sets
of fans: |
Here he is winning the National League Best Pairs for Ellesmere in 1985.
Joe only rode at Ellesmere in 1985 after Newcastle closed down, but he made such an impact
at Ellesmere before his accident, leaving him disabled. Such
a sad situation for both sets of fans. Ivan Mauger was the
Newcastle favourite with Joe a close second to Ivan! |
Title Winning Gunners |
1985 title winning Gunners Richie Owen, Gary O'hare, Miles Evans, Dave
Morton, Dave Walsh, and front: Louis Carr & Joe Owen |
Ellesmere Port v Long
Eaton |
29th March 1985 |
.jpg) |
Courtesy of Andrew Gallon |
.jpg) |
Courtesy of Andrew Gallon |
Ellesmere Port v Inter
League Select |
Joe Owen Benefit Meeting |
.jpg) |
Courtesy of Andrew Gallon |
.jpg) |
Courtesy of Andrew Gallon |
Joe Owen
With Page 3 Girl Sam Fox |
Joe Owen accepting The 1985 National League Pairs Trophy from the gorgeous
Samantha Fox. Joe was on his own (despite this being the Pairs)
because his partner Louis Carr crashed in the final and was unable to
stand alongside Joe at the presentation (Or maybe he was frightened of
Sam!!). Louis recovered from his smash and had a great season whereas Joe
had a life threatening smash later in the season and ended up paralyzed.
Such a sad end to a glittering career. |
Speedway Star 2001 |
Do you have any
Ellesmere photos to share? email me
John |
The contents of the site are © and should not be
reproduced elsewhere for financial gain. The contributors to this site
gave the pictures and information on that understanding. If anyone has
any issue or objections to any items on the site please
and I will amend or remove the item. Where possible credit
has been given to the owner of each item. |