Tour of Argentina
1929-30 |
Syd Newiss
Frank Varey
Arthur Franklyn
Eric Langton
Buzz Hibberd
George Corney
Dusty Haigh
Almirante Brown |
Long term helper with the website: Graham Gleave has turned up a photograph album of GB riders
whom toured
Argentina in 1929/30, I understand the album was the property of old
time rider Syd Newiss, the photos from the album are displayed
below: - |
Graham says: Hi John. Thanks for your letter, I got back
home in Manchester ok from our meeting at Brough about 21/2
hrs. It took about 4 coming up but I was only doing
40-50 no hurry .Glad to see you have started the
Argentina page which will be a long job. Well I actually
found the Syd Newiss site on the Chethams library site when I
was looking into the Marshall collection of things of Belle
Vue's trip to Leningrad in 1967. I have made several
visit's to the library & explained to the person I have been
dealing with that the speedway stuff would surprise many
people as there isn't to much known about the trips to
Argentina in the early days although it is known that Belle
Vue riders used to go for several years. The library let
me copy what I wanted & I was also given a memory stick of the
photo album of Syd Newiss an old time rider who raced at
Salford, BV, M/C W/C & Blackpool amongst other tracks.
These are his photo's of the 1st Argentina tour out there in
28/29, I am sure many people will enjoy these not just
speedway it seems the riders also went in road races as well.
There are also photo's of them at the baths & at the river
with their wives etc, He also has an autograph album
which can be opened, if anyone wants more info. they can go to
Chethams library, collections/bv,collections/newis collection
is the 1st one. Hope some of your readers will research
into the site.
Graham. March 2017
Syd Newiss |
Our thanks to Syd for taking a camera
along with him on the trip and for putting the photos he had taken
into a photograph album way back in 1929/30. Syd's pictures
follow below: - |
Arthur Franklyn |
Arthur's Douglas has been fitted with
engine covers to keep the moving parts clean and prevent expensive
damage in the event of a fall. |
Arthur Franklyn on an AJS. I believe AJS
stood for Albert
Jack Stevens ? It looks
like this AJS was a sloper engine if not an early lay down
machine. The bike had gears as you can tell from the lever
attached to the fuel tank. |
Arthur Franklyn with a customised Douglas
Dirt Track Machine. Note the "Skinny" tyres from that era
and the huge rear sprocket. |
Frank Varey |
Frank was very popular in Argentina
the Argentines called Frank "El Diablo Rojo" which translates into
English as The Red Devil. He road a Scott motorcycle with
red paintwork and wore a red jersey as shown below: - |
Above Picture Courtesy of John Spoor -
Not In Syd Newiss' Photo Album |
Frank is sitting on a Rudge not his usual
mount in 1929/30. He raced a Scott then, (see the black n
white photo shown above the pic with Red Devil Varey in a red
jumper) The Scott was the only 500cc Two Stroke machine ever
used on a speedway track. Two stroke engines are usually
smaller than Franks 500cc Scott engine and make a noise like a
150cc scooter engine popping and roaring with an unsteady rhythm.
Imagine the Scott's 500cc engine popping, roaring and howling
louder than any scooter you may have heard ! It would have
made Frank stand out from the other riders in the GB party whom
all rode 4 stroke machines which were loud also but with a
completely different noise to the 2 stroke Scott used by Frank. |
Frank Varey In Hospital Bed |
Frank in Buenos Aires hospital |
Frank Back On A Bike, His Scott |
Practice At "Moron" Road Race
Venue |
I believe Moron in Argentinian means
"Hummock" a Hill or Knoll! Moron means something entirely
different this side of the Atlantic! The 4 following
pictures were not speedway but featured our speedway riders in the
GB touring party. |
Frank Varey and Eric Langton having a
laugh in Argentina. |
Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun! The
Brits are all sitting in the shade avoiding the scorching heat |
Moron's track! I believe the racing was
classed as road racing, not speedway, which just shows how
versatile early riders were. |
Eric Langton |
Eric sprawled across a Scott Motorcycle
which probably belonged to his good friend Frank Varey. Eric
is braving the sun's rays whilst his tour mates sit in the shade. |
Eric in the middle, Arthur Franklyn left
and Frank Varey right. Eric is on a Scott, no doubt borrowed
from his mate Frank Varey, a well known rider of the 500cc
water-cooled 2 stroke. Frank and Arthur appear to be on AJS
machines in the above photo. |
Frank Varey astride his chosen mount, a
Scott, a really complex machine for this late 1920s era |
Buzz Hibberd |
Australian Buzz Hibberd |
George Corney |
Club Atlético Huracán
1930 |
This Argentinian program cover from early
1930 shows riders taking part: - Frank Varey, Sprouts Elder, Buzz
Hibberd, and George Corney amongst others who numbered a few
Argentinian riders and a couple of guys from Uruguay.
Speedway was becoming global. |
GB Riders In Argentina |
The GB party spent most of their time in
and around Buenos Aires, pictured above A mighty city in 1929 and
a whole lot bigger now in 2017 |
Dusty Haigh |
Frank Varey & Others |
Track Action Argentina |
Apparently 5 riders in this race and the
early camera did not capture the riders very well due to
them speeding around the track but the speed blurs enhance the
photo in my opinion. |
Holidaying In The Argentine |
If you can name any of the guys not
already named, featured on this page, please email me
John Does the
guy on the right know his fly's are undone! |
No names for the men in the photos above
apart from "Steamboat Jervis" for the guy in the black swimwear so
if you can name anyone please email me
John |
Aboard The Ship In Argentina |
Swimming pool on the ship |
Syd Newiss says playing "Deck Golf" but
the players seem to be holding croquet malletts? |
Left: Dusty Haigh messing around in eastern
dress, according to Syd Newiss and right the Langton brothers
Oliver and Eric |
Jack Harris & Frank "The Red Devil" Varey |
More Of The GB Tourists In The Argentine |
Syd Newiss Photo Album says: Here we have
Dank Ewen, Steamboat Jervis and Arthur Franklyn |
Side Cars In Argentina |
Oliver Langton & Arthur Franklyn |
Quilmes Argentina |
Dank Ewen & Syd Newiss |
Quilmes is a district of Greater Buenos
Aires. |
Oliver Langton & Syd Newiss |
Almirante Brown |
Almirante Brown is a
"partido" of the
Buenos Aires Province in
Argentina, located at the south of the
Gran Buenos Aires urban area. The partido is named after
Irish born General William Brown who led the Argentine navy in the
Argentine War of Independence and helped Argentina gain her
independence from the Spanish Empire. |
Bob Cornering Beside The Pits |
At Almirante Brown Road Race |
Syd Newiss's album does not have names for
all photos or second names in some cases. He says the above
is "Bob" I am guessing that is Belle Vue rider Bob Harrison
who was, I believe, a winner of an Almirante Brown Road Race 1929. |
Unknown rider aboard a Raleigh |
Another Raleigh |
Eva Asquith In Argentina |
Unknown Rider With A Harley Davidson |
Eric Langton |
Eric Langton a passenger in this sports
car |
Eric At Speed |
The caption in Syd Newiss's Album says
"Eric At Speed". My guess is Eric Langton. The bike
appears to be a Scott. |
Munich Cafe In Argentina |
USA's Sprouts Elder in Argentina |
Above left: Sprouts Elder with camera &
Arthur Franklyn and above right Eric Langton the shadow is not of
an alien as UFO's did not exist in 1929! |
Sprouts |
Frank Doing His Stuff! |
Syd Newiss's album has the caption "Frank
Doing His Stuff" Not sure which Frank but could be Frank Varey.
God knows what he is up to! |
Arthur Franklyn & Frank Varey |
Arthur and Frank with a "Dirt Track Rudge"
sporting new tyres |
A Rudge In Argentina |
This 1929/30 machine is an example of how
close the Rudge factory came to producing the blueprint for the
new sport speedway! My only criticism of Rudge was to have
the exhaust outlet on the left, meaning the exhaust pipe had to be
on the left too causing problems when a rider had a fall. |
Frank Varey & Eric Langton |
Oliver Langton |
Frank Varey Washing His Bike |
Bob Harrison |
Unknown Rider On A Raleigh |
This may be Bob Harrison too.
Whomever it was, he was coming into the pits with a flat tyre |
Unknown in Argentina 1929 |
I don't recognise the guy, maybe he was
an Argentinian? |
Almirante Brown Road Race |
Bob Harrison crossing the finish line in
1hour 38mins & 7seconds. Although this was called a road
race I suspect it was mostly loose dirt making the conditions
excellent for Bob |
Bob After His Victory |
Bob's trusty Raleigh machine kept going
for nearly 2 hours in the dry and dusty Argentine countryside.
A bit of difference between speedway races of 80 or 90 odd seconds
in 1929 and an Argentinian road race of nearly 2 hours |
Eric Langton |
Frank Duckett |
Australia |
Frank is sitting on a bike that looks
like a Harley Davidson |
Oliver Langton |
Eric & Oliver Langton |
The Langton's coming around to the start
line, both mounted on Rudges. |
Dank Ewen |
Steamboat Jervis |
Ivor Creek |
Argentine Riders |
Juan Salatino Argentino |
Juan is an Argentinian and he rode
Britain's best bike in 1929 the Douglas. |
Roberto Sigrand |
Another Argentinian making a name for
himself |
Sigrand & Pino |
"Arturo" Jervis |
Frank Varey Sprouts Elder & Arturo Jervis |
Max Grosskruetz |
Portraits of the Riders Touring Argentina
1929/30 |
Above left: Dank Ewen & Bob Harrison and
above right: Jack Harris & Max Grosskruetz |
Above left: Buzz Hibberd & Ivor Creek and
above right: George Corney & Dusty Haigh |
Above left: Eric Langton & Tug McCallum
and above right Sprouts Elder & Aubrey Iles |
More Pictures From Argentina
1929/30 |
Graham Gleave has supplied more prints from
Argentina 1929/30. Featuring the same GB touring party. |
Line Up Behind Frank's Scott Machine |
Arthur Franklyn, Frank Varey, Sprouts
Elder, Max Grosskruetz, and Arthur Jervis |
Almirante Brown Road Race |
Argentine Newspaper November 1929 |
Tourists In Argentina |
Back Row: Buzz Hibberd, Sprouts Elder,
Dank Ewen, Arthur Franklyn & Frank Ducket |
Middle Row: Oliver Langton, Max
Grosskruetz, Eric Langton, Hubert Jervis, Arthur Jervis, George
Corney, Unknown & Unknown |
Front Row: Syd Newiss, Frank Varey & Bob
Harrison |
Buenos Aires Airship |
In the 1920s airships were made by Great
Britain, the United States and Germany. The above picture
is, I believe, a facsimile of the real thing and I do not
recognise the 3 faces superimposed onto this airship. I also
wonder why it was included in Syd Newiss's photograph album but I
thought it was a great picture so I am including it on the
website. It is a good way of signing off this webpage.
Syd Newiss had the photo album and Images from it found
their way to Graham Gleave and then from him to me, hence the
pictures appearing on my Defunct Speedway Website. The album
has, at the end, a number of pictures that Graham thinks were
taken at the Blackpool UK track. If you are interested visit
my A-Z then B page and click on the Blackpool link. |
The contents of the site are © and should not be
reproduced elsewhere for financial gain. The contributors to this site
gave the pictures and information on that understanding. If anyone has
any issue or objections to any items on the site please
and I will amend or remove the item. Where possible credit
has been given to the owner of each item. |