Card Set 6 |
John Player & Sons |
The card album |
Speedway Riders
[A series of 50 cigarette cards] |
Card 1 British Joe Abbott
Card 2 British Arthur Atkinson
Card 3 British Phil Bishop
Sad that he had over 400 crashes, who was
counting and can any modern rider beat Phil's crash record! |
Card 4 British Gordon Byers
John Skinner says: I visited Gordon in 2004 at his home in
Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne, he was into his 90s, sadly he died later, a
couple of years short of reaching 100. We discussed his speedway
career and he was full of life and happy to talk about anything
including speedway!. He couldn't remember winning the first ever
race at Newcastle's Brough Park in 1929 when he was 17yrs old. He
told me he was earning huge amounts of money when he was riding for
Wembley in the early 1930s. He was proud to tell me that he was a
member of the first England touring side that sailed to Australia
1931/32? I took Gordon to Newcastle's belated 75th rider reunion
in 2005 and he enjoyed the occasion although there was no-one left from
his era at the function for him to reminisce with. |
Card 5 Australian Dicky Case
Card 6 British Frank Charles
Frank was joint 4th in the 1936 world final,
the first recognised world final. He shared 4th spot with American
Cordy Milne breaking the track record in the process. |
Card 7 Canadian Eric Chitty
Eric was also a respected singer, he was a
"Crooner", I believe! Reg Fearman told me he had presented an
Eric Chitty 78rpm
record to Eric's son a few years ago. I don't know about Crooning I
am a Rolling Stones fan! |
Card 8 British Bill Clibbett
Card 9 Australian Eric Collins
Daredevil Eric was a stamp collector, not
the most macho of sidelines to riding speedway. |
Card 10 British Tommy Croombs
Tommy was an inside line rider. Passing
on the inside is an art form but for me speedway is at its greatest when
a rider goes out wide and passes coming out of a bend. No
disrespect to Tommy, I just enjoy a fast outside line rider more. |
Card 11 British Billy Dallison
Card 12 British Jack Broncho Dixon
Card 13 British Acorn Dobson
Stan was nicknamed "Acorn" because some thought
his head resembled an Acorn! |
Card 14 British Frank Goulden
Card 15 British Stan Greatrex
Card 16 British George Greenwood
Card 17 Australian Max Grosskreutz
Card 18 Danish Morian Hansen
Card 19 British Bob Harrison
Card 20 Australian Vic Huxley
Card 21 Scottish/Australian Ron Johnson
Card 22 British Wally "Nobby" Key
Card 23 New Zealander Wally Kilmister
Wally was the first successful Kiwi to make an
impact in the UK. Who would have guessed that Kiwi Wally was
paving the way for Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs and Ivan Mauger! |
Card 24 British Bill Kitchen
Card 25 British Gus Kuhn
The card says Gus was racing motorcycles
"before the War". The "War" in question was the First World War
1914-18. He was obviously not a teenager when he took up speedway
in 1928 |
Card 26 Australian
Cyclone Billy Lamont
Billy was one of speedway's very first big star
draws. He impressed wherever he went |
Card 27 British Eric Langton
A top English rider. He was beaten in a
run off by Australian Lionel Van Praag for the 1936 world title.
He started at Leeds and must be the best ever Leeds rider. |
Card 28 British Harold Riley Lees aka "Ginger" Lees
Card 29 British Walter "Wally" Lloyd
Card 30 American Cordy Milne
Cordy was the younger brother of Jack Milne.
The Milne brothers were the pick of the American riders of the early
1930s era. |
Card 31 American Jack Milne
Jack and brother Cordy finished 2nd and 3rd in
the 1937 World Championship and had the second world war not came along
two years later one or both of the brothers could easily have been world
champion. |
Card 32 Australian John Glass aka Mick Murphy
Card 33 British George Newton
John says: I am too young to have seen George
Newton ride. However every photo of George that I have seen, like
the above picture shows him to have been very exciting to watch |
Card 34 British Jack Ormston
Card 35 British Jack Parker
Card 36 British Cliff Parkinson
Card 37 British Tommy Price (Liverpool)
I know this era had two Tommy Price's.
This card refers to the Lancashire rider, not the southern Tommy Price.
I can tell them apart by their ears The Wembley Tommy had sticky out
ears but this drawing shows the northern Tommy with prominent ears!
Maybe the artist got it wrong and confused the two guys |
Card 38 British Geoff Pymar
Card 39 British Claude Rye
Card 40 Australian Jack Sharp
Card 41 British Harry Shepherd
Harry was a nuts and bolts guy and was involved
in inventing the starting gate, something so fundamental to us modern
fans, but yes the sport started without starting gates. They had to be
invented and manufactured for all the UK tracks to use. Harry was
your man for this. |
Card 42 Australian Dicky Smythe
Card 43 British Harold "Tiger" Stevenson |
Tiger reversed the trend of Aussie riders
coming to the UK and being successful. He travelled to OZ and rode
there with lots of success. |
Card 44 British Fred Strecker
Card 45 Australian Lionel Van Praag
An incredible name "Lionel Van Praag" he etched
his name into speedway records for ever! He won the first world
championship in 1936 |
Card 46 British Frank Varey
Frank rode a Scott 500cc 2-stroke machine when
he started. The Scott's paintwork was mainly red and he rode in
Argentina wearing a red jersey. They
nicknamed him the "Red Devil" |
Card 47 British Colin Watson
This artwork is suspect I have never seen a JAP
fuel tank that shape. I think the artist has got it wrong! |
Card 48 Australian
Arthur "Bluey" Wilkinson |
Australians call ginger headed guys "Bluey"
hence Arthurs speedway name |
Card 49 British George Wilks
Card 50 Australian Dicky Wise
I believe this Card Set is the best one available
for collectors but if you have any other sets please get busy scanning
and send the images to me
John |
David Pipes' Original Player's Collection |
David says: Hi John, I am attaching scans of the Players booklet –
as you are aware the cards were issued with gum on the backs and all
you had to do was lick or moisten the back and stick the card into
the special album sold by Players for one penny ! As you
already have this set on your website I think that you would be
interested to see how the cards were originally meant to be viewed
(with a reasonable bit of artwork included).
John says: Yes David a collection in the
original booklet is always great to see. Players did a great job
with their cig cards |
The Player's Booklet |
Player's Please! As an ex smoker with a
cough! I wish I had never took up the habit. However cigarette
cards like this set are a source of speedway information for anyone
looking into the history of the sport. So thank you David Pipes
and thank you Players |
The contents of the site are © and should not be
reproduced elsewhere for financial gain. The contributors to this site
gave the pictures and information on that understanding. If anyone has
any issue or objections to any items on the site please
and I will amend or remove the item. Where possible credit
has been given to the owner of each item |